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About Us

Quality is the first priority for us. We make sure that each lot purchased from our suppliers is of the topmost quality and without any compromises. However, a trial would speak more than any number of words.

Comparison of our Quality to other brands

Threads Extra long and thick threads that expand even further on soaking / steeping Are often smaller, thinner and broken that do not expand as much during soaking

Colour Deep red in colour with NO yellow content – signifying very high colouring power Ranges from dark reddish brown to orange / yellow indicating the use of floral wastage-low colouring power

Aroma Very Intense Saffron nose with high floral top notes Lacking in intensity and with little to no floral top notes
Flavour Only a fraction of the threads are required to create the desired flavour profiles More threads are required to create the same degree of flavour but can also result in off notes

Packaging Saffron threads are protected from moisture and air by sealing in a unique foil pack and high quality hinged box Lower Quality packaging allows air and moisture to penetrate the threads, resulting in a lack of freshness and further deterioration of quality

Following are the uses and benefits as written in papers by Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha

Epilepsy Patients
Pimples/Acne and Skin diseases
Cataract and skin diseases

Used in Unani Medicine as a remedy for:
Enlargement of liver
Infection of bladder and kidneys.
Diabetes (with ghee)

Used in Western Medicine for:
Increasing Appetite
Ease Hangovers
Strengthening the heart and reduce chances of cardiac arrests

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